And how it could leapfrog Apple as the dev platform of choice.

Perhaps the biggest surprise to come from Microsoft's Build developer conference last week was
the Windows Subsystem for Linux (WSL).
The system will ship as part of this summer's
Anniversary Update for Windows 10. WSL has two parts; there's the core subsystem,
which is already included in Insider Preview builds of the operating system,
and then a package of software that Canonical will provide. The core
subsystem is what provides the Linux API on Windows, including the
ability to natively load Linux executables and libraries. Canonical will
and all the other command-line tools that are expected in a Linux environment.
Microsoft is positioning WSL strictly as a tool for developers, with a
particular view to supporting Web developers and the open source
software stacks that they depend on. Many developers are very familiar
with the
shell, with building software using
, and editing text in
WSL will give these developers versions of these tools that are equal
in just about every regard to the ones you get on Linux, because they'll
be the ones you get on Linux running unmodified on Windows.
With that developer focus, Microsoft
isn't supporting WSL as a
platform. It might be possible to run, for example, the Apache Web
server under WSL, and it might even be useful to do so for development,
but the intent is not that applications would ever be run in production
with this configuration.
Making lemonade
WSL was derived from
Project Astoria,
the effort to enable Android apps to run on Windows 10 Mobile; we'd
expect that, initially at least, its support is strongest for those APIs
that Android needed and that it will be weaker in other areas. This
means that while application support should be extensive, Windows won't
be able to run
every Linux program under the sun. There's no
Linux kernel here, so this won't bring support for filesystems such as
ZFS or btrfs to Windows. Applications demanding low-level access to
hardware devices, such as Wireshark, seem similarly unlikely to run and
will continue to need Windows ports. WSL also doesn't include X Windows
or any other graphical subsystem; it's strictly for command-line
applications only.
Microsoft deciding to support Linux software on Windows is a
surprising move, and the obvious question is, why? Superficially, the
answer is easy—developers like these tools, so supporting them makes
developers happy—but the story runs a little deeper than that.
Supporting Linux apps in Windows is a significant move for a company
that has spent decades promoting its own APIs and application platform,
and it's unlikely that the company would make such a move just to
provide a few creature comforts to developers. The need goes deeper than
Wind the clock back 15 years and Windows was the only serious
platform for software developers. Linux was already an important
consideration for servers, but on the desktop was even less of a concern
than it is today, reserved only for the most hardcore fans. OS X was in
its infancy, and only ran on weird, expensive, underpowered PowerPC
hardware. This made Windows the development platform of choice by
default. There simply wasn't any good alternative.
This in turn had consequences for software, where solid Windows
support could drive server-side usage. A prime example of this is the
MySQL database server. While it is better today than it once was, MySQL
has always been regarded as second-best when it comes to important
considerations such as technical capabilities and data integrity, with
PostgreSQL generally held to be the much better
database. In
spite of this, MySQL won considerable market- and mind-share because it
was a much better development platform. It had an easy Windows
installer, it had good Windows software for managing databases and
writing queries, and it had good ODBC drivers. PostgreSQL's developers,
on the other hand, didn't appear to prioritize any of these things, and
while it wasn't impossible to run the database on Windows, doing so
meant forfeiting the creature comforts that MySQL offered.
It's no great surprise, then, that MySQL proliferated in a way that PostgreSQL didn't.
But things don't work that way any more. Setting up a Ruby
development environment on Windows is a wretched experience. Getting
Ruby running well is awkward on any platform, but Windows is arguably
the worst. The popular node.js environment was born on OS X and Linux,
and for a long time could not be effectively run on Windows. Salvatore
Sanfilippo, developer of top NoSQL data store redis, has
refused to accept patches to make the software run on Windows,
not out of any particular hostility towards Microsoft, but because he
saw no need for it. He supported the idea of forks of the software that
supported Windows, but nothing that would impede development of the core
It's still not the year, but it's also not not the year
Windows certainly hasn't disappeared completely from view, but it's
no longer the essential, must-have platform that it once was. Why not?
Because those two non-contenders in 2000 are more or less viable today.
Linux for various reasons still may not be the most comfortable desktop
platform (especially for anyone wanting to use it on a brand-new
laptop), but it's much more livable than it used to be. And OS X, thanks
to a combination of the switch to x86 and Apple's fine hardware design,
has become an appealing option for a great many developers.
Indeed, for a number of years, it wasn't a huge exaggeration to say
that Apple made the only x86 laptops that were both reasonably
affordable and pleasant to use. The MacBook Air, in particular, set a
new standard for size and weight, and while the initial release was
expensive, subsequent iterations were much less so.
The traditional PC world had little that could match, and even when PC OEMs
build good systems—as Lenovo often did—they tended to be high-priced
"corporate" machines. Apple truly led the way when it came to offering
that mix of price, power, and portability, and it did so with an
operating system that just happened to use a large portion of FreeBSD's
code. There are still, of course, differences between OS X's FreeBSD and
Linux running on a server, but they're a great deal smaller than the
differences between either of those and Windows.
What Apple did was to give every computer science and software
engineering student a three-pound Unix workstation for not very much
money, and unsurprisingly, they proliferated. This effect was compounded
further by Apple's enduring popularity in San Francisco and Silicon
Valley, and, related, the growth of iOS as an application platform.
Smart kids fresh out of university (whether they dropped out or
otherwise) weren't thrust into the Windows-centric world of corporate
America. They could instead thrive in a culture that revered Apple and
equipped them all with shiny new MacBook Pros. Windows wasn't reviled
the way that the die-hard open source advocates reviled it; it just
wasn't part of their life.
This is a problem that Microsoft has been slow to recognize.
Microsoft is generally good at addressing the needs of Microsoft's own
existing development community, but this came with a kind of myopia.
Anything outside this constituency was ignored. The Visual Studio C and
C++ compiler, for example, still lacks full support for C99, the version
of the C language that was standardized about 17 years ago. In spite of
repeated requests to the company that it add C99 support, there was
always pushback. The rationale I was given more than once was that since
Windows developers weren't writing C99 code, there was no reason for
C99 support.
That Windows developers couldn't write C99 code because the main
Windows C and C++ compiler couldn't compile it was apparently beside the
point. And that the open source world
had embraced C99, and
was now producing code that simply couldn't be compiled on Windows—code
that Windows developers might well want to use, if only it would
work—was similarly ignored. The people writing this code weren't part of
the Windows development constituency, and so addressing their needs
wasn't a priority. In the last couple of years, there does seem to have
been something of a realization within Redmond that it's missing out,
and adherence to the newest iterations of the C++ specification has been
made a priority, but full C99 support still hasn't been implemented,
and it's not clear it ever will be.
The same is broadly true of Unix compatibility in general, and the
Unix shell environment and workspace in particular. A hot young
developer coming out of a top university is going to be comfortable with
and all those other tools. Visual Studio may be great—Visual Studio
great—but it's irrelevant to this way of working. Microsoft was not
completely blind to this problem—I've heard from a few people inside the
company that there has to be a not insignificant education effort for
new hires, because coming to Microsoft is literally the first time
they're exposed to the Windows way of software development—but until
last week's announcement, it seems that little was being done to address
it in a systematic way.
What we had instead was individual porting efforts. And it's
important not to discount these; Microsoft contributed money and
developer time to node.js to help port it to Windows. The software was
rearchitected to accommodate this—node.js relies heavily on asynchronous
I/O, and the optimal approach for this is different on every
platform—and I think most people would agree that the result is that
node.js has become better software (it also turns out that Windows'
approach to asynchronous I/O is
really good).
The asynchronous I/O parts were broken out into their own library,
libuv, which is useful in its own right, and node.js is a client of that
library. Microsoft has similarly developed a port of redis that runs
natively on Windows.
These efforts were valuable, but it's not an effort that scales well.
Microsoft can't port every project, and while Ryan Dahl, creator of
node.js, recognized that supporting Windows was valuable and was willing
to make considerable changes to node.js to support Windows, that's not
true of every developer.
Better hardware calls for broader horizons
The hardware gap that Apple once enjoyed has largely gone away. Devices like the
HP Spectre x360 and
Dell XPS 13 are fine systems; there's a range of diverse,
high quality, affordable PC hardware options
that really didn't exist five years ago. There's also an interesting
degree of diversity; you can get traditional laptops, or laptops with
360 degree hinges, or convertibles like the
Surface Pro 4, or exotica such as the
Surface Book.
These are all solid choices. But the hardware alone isn't enough any
more; Windows doesn't offer the development user experience that is now
so commonplace. Microsoft needs to do something to appeal to this
developer community, and maybe even win it over to Windows.
Windows Subsystem for Linux fixes that by bringing a large part of
that user experience to Windows. Redis, for example, will work on WSL.
Not a forked port of redis that's been altered to work around the
differences between Windows and Unix systems; real redis. The Ruby
experience, well, it won't ever be good, because it's a pain on every
platform. But it will be better. The same is broadly true for most of
the open source stack that powers a huge proportion of Web and cloud
development these days. It'll work on Windows, just the same as it
already does on Linux. Microsoft is working with Canonical initially, so
all of these things will be an
away just like they are on Ubuntu. It wouldn't be tremendously surprising to one day see other Linux flavors, too.
As WSL matures, it doesn't feel beyond the realm of possibility that
there will be pressure on Microsoft to treat it as something more than
just a development tool and address the desire to deploy onto WSL on
Windows Server. Especially for small deployments, the ability to run
redis within an otherwise Windows-based deployment without spinning up a
virtual machine feels obviously desirable.
But even aside from this, WSL turns Windows into a remarkably strong development platform. The recent
Xamarin acquisition and the announcement last week that Xamarin would be
free with Visual Studio
and released as open source to boot makes Windows a strong candidate
for all kinds of software development. Visual Studio includes a
high quality Android emulator and all the tools for developing on Android.
Genuine OS X systems are still required for building iOS software, as
iOS applications must be compiled with Apple's toolchain and the iOS
simulator only runs on OS X, but with Visual Studio and Xamarin the
can all be done in Windows, and this even offers some advantages that
developing on OS X does not: Xamarin offers remote control of the iOS
simulator from Windows, and that remote control supports multitouch. On a
touchscreen PC you can use a finger or multiple fingers with the iOS
simulator. Macs, with Apple's reluctance to add touchscreens to Macs,
can't do that.
Developers writing for Apple's systems might even enjoy hardware that
isn't tied to Apple's often awkward release schedules. Mac users are
left behind
when it comes to virtual reality, because Apple refuses to build
systems with fast, modern desktop GPUs. Its desktop machines are either
laptops with massive screens, in the case of the iMacs, or languishing
unloved and un-updated, in the case of the Mac Pro. A Windows
development system that can handle VR—and development for Windows (a
category that reaches as far as HoloLens and Xbox, Linux, iOS, and
Android)—can be had for
under a grand.
Microsoft's eye may be on Web developers right now. But what it's
building won't just appeal to Web developers. It should make Windows
the developer platform for