Firefox has been a reliable browser for me for many years and it still continues to be so to a certain extent. However, over the last few releases Firefox has become bloated and slow in performance that same way IE used to be before we switched to Firefox. The only thing that is stopping me from switching to another browser, is the large number of extensions available for Firefox. Specifically firebug. Since I spend most of my time on a Linux system, over the last few days I have been looking for an alternative Linux browser. Here are 10 of the best Linux browsers out there that can be a decent alternative to Firefox:
1) Opera
2) Konqueror
3) Galeon
4) Epiphany
5) Arora
6) Midori
7) Seamonkey
8) Netsurf
9) Amaya
10) Kazehakase
You might also want to try out early builds of Chrome for Linux, which is not quite ready yet. If you are in to terminal based browsers, check out lynx and links.