April 29, 2012
Ubuntu Gnome Shell Remix 12.04 Available
The Ubuntu Gnome Shell Remix 12.04 is now available for download in both 32 & 64 bit versions here:
I've found this distribution is wonderful for all the pre-built tweaks already in it. It returns the traditional Gnome 2.x functionality with the latest linux kernel updates. This is my favorite distro bar none.
Highly recommended.
April 26, 2012
Things To Tweak After Installing Ubuntu 12.04
From the folks at WebUpd8.org
If you're new to global menus or overlay scrollbars, give them a try for a few days before disabling them.
To install Unsettings in Ubuntu, use the following commands in a terminal:
Unsettings isn't the only such tool, there's also MyUnity and Ubuntu Tweak, each with some common but also some extra features.
To install Ubuntu Tweak, use the commands below:
For more info and a video, see the following post: Real Window Dodge Unity Launcher Bahaviour For Ubuntu 12.04.
To change the Unity 2D icon size, run the following commands in a terminal:
More info and a video, here: Unity With Minimize On Click Patch (Unofficial) Available In A PPA For Ubuntu Users.
The lens comes with a few filters like Text, Spreadsheet, Presentation, Media or Message, but for more advanced searches, you'll have to manually enter the Recoll search query. Examples: author:"john doe", metallica OR megadeth, /2007 (all documents from 2007 or older), dir:/path/to/dir (filters content from /path/to/dir directory) and more.
To install Unity Recoll Lens, use the following commands:
Once installed, log out and log back in.
More info about Unity Recoll Lens.
Alternative: My Weather Indicator.
To install Ubuntu One indicator, use the commands below:
Install System Load Indicator in Ubuntu 12.04 LTS using the commands below:
Get longer battery life with Jupiter
Install Jupiter using the following commands:
Quicklists are menu items that show up when right clicking an icon from the Unity launcher. In Ubuntu 12.04, many applications now have quicklists but there are of course some without this useful addition so if you want, you can create your own quicklists, easily, using either Ubuntu Tweak or MyUnity.
Or, use MyUnity instead:
After you've installed either MyUnity or Ubuntu Tweak, pin an application to the launcher and you can edit its quicklists like this:
And in the newly opened file, add the following:
Then save the file.
After logging out and logging back in, "Hibernate" should show up in the power menu.
Just like the previous Ubuntu release, the latest Ubuntu 12.04 doesn't have a screensaver by default and it uses a blank screen instead (this is actually an upstream GNOME decision). But if you really want a screensaver, you can use Xscreensaver, like we wrote about in the things to fix / tweak post for Ubuntu 11.10:
To add Xscreensaver to startup, open Startup Applications and add "xscreensaver -nosplash".
For most stuff, OpenJDK/JRE is enough (and you can install it using Ubuntu Software Center), but in case you really need Oracle (previously Sun) Java 7, you can install it (this will install JDK/JRE and the browser plugin) in Ubuntu using the WebUpd8 Java PPA:
In case the installation doesn't work (it sometimes fails when behind a proxy), you can try to manually install Oracle Java 7.
And a small extra tip: If you try to install Dropbox and you get this error:
To install the Classic GNOME Session, use the following command in a terminal:
Once installed, log out and select "GNOME Classic" from the login screen:
And then select "GNOME" from the login screen.
Then restart GNOME Shell (ALT + F2 and enter "r" or log out and log back in) and use GNOME Tweak Tool to activate the extensions you want to use.
And of course, there's also the GNOME Shell extensions website which offers a huge list of extensions that you can install with a click. Note: you need to use GNOME Shell to be able to see the available extensions and install them.
Ubuntu 12.04 LTS Preise Pangolin has been released
and many of you have already upgraded or plan on upgrading, so I've
made yet another post that you'll hopefully find useful, with things
that you may want to tweak, fix or install in Ubuntu 12.04.
Some of the tweaks in this article are old, and we've already talked about it in the previous posts about things to tweak after installing Ubuntu 11.10 or 11.04, but there are also many new things to install and tweak and also, some improved old tweaks.
Some of the tweaks in this article are old, and we've already talked about it in the previous posts about things to tweak after installing Ubuntu 11.10 or 11.04, but there are also many new things to install and tweak and also, some improved old tweaks.
Unity-specific tweaks
Disable global menu (appmenu), overlay scrollbars, whitelist the systray and more
If you're new to global menus or overlay scrollbars, give them a try for a few days before disabling them.
If until now, you had to modify
configuration files or run various commands to disable the global menu
(appmenu), the overlay scrollbars or whitelist the systray, this time
things got a lot easier thanks to some tools such as Unsettings.
So those of you who don't like
the global menu, overlay scrollbars or want to whitelist the systray so
applications that use a notification area icon show up on the Unity
panel, can use Unsettings to change these settings with a click.
But that's not all Unsettings can do. You can also use it to change the GTK or icon theme, further tweak Unity and more:
- Unity Launcher look: change launcher size, opacity, select when devices show up on the launcher or get a "show desktop" icon
- Launcher behaviour: visibility (always visible or autohide), autohide animation, reveal trigger, edge responsiveness, urgent animation, launch animation, blacklight
- Dash: set Dash size, blur, enable or disable apps available for download and recently used apps, enable / disable search for all files
- Panel: set the opacity, enable / disable opaque if maximized, set the applications available in the systray whitelist and enable / disable the real name, user menu and sound indicator from showing up on the panel
- Change fonts, hinting and antialiasing
- Windows: enable / disable overlay scrollbars, global menu, click to focus, HUD, auto raise (as well as the delay) and change automaximize value
- Desktop: set the number of vertical and horizontal workspaces, show / hide various icons on the desktop like the home, computer, trash or network icon, configure the next monitor pressure (for multi-monitor setups), shortcut hints overlay, ALT + Tab settings
- Change GTK, Window, Icon and cursor themes.
To install Unsettings in Ubuntu, use the following commands in a terminal:
sudo add-apt-repository ppa:diesch/testing
sudo apt-get update
sudo apt-get install unsettings
Unsettings isn't the only such tool, there's also MyUnity and Ubuntu Tweak, each with some common but also some extra features.
Tweak Unity 2D
Unsettings and MyUnity are nice for
Unity 3D, but they lack proper support for Unity 2D so to easily tweak
Unity 2D, you can install Ubuntu Tweak, which lets you enable / disable
HUD, set Dash to full screen, change the launcher autohide (this is also
available in System Settings, under Appearence) and multi-monitor
To install Ubuntu Tweak, use the commands below:
sudo add-apt-repository ppa:tualatrix/ppa
sudo apt-get update
sudo apt-get install ubuntu-tweak
Get Unity Dodge Windows autohide behaviour back
The window dodge Unity launcher
autohide behaviour has been removed from Ubuntu 12.04 Precise Pangolin
but you can get it back using a work-around. It's not perfect and the
icons will shift to the left when the launcher autohides, but if you
really want this feature back (for Unity 3D), give it a try!
There are two window dodge behaviours
available: one that works mostly as it used to be in Ubuntu 11.10 and
the other one only works for maximized windows:
- Download real window dodge behaviour for the Unity Launcher
- Download window dodge behaviour for maximized windows
For more info and a video, see the following post: Real Window Dodge Unity Launcher Bahaviour For Ubuntu 12.04.
If you want to remove the window dodge
behaviour, use one of the following commands, depending on which
package you've installed:
- for Unity Dodge Windows:sudo apt-get remove unity-dodge-windows
- for Unity Dodge Maximized Windows:sudo apt-get remove unity-dodge-maximized-windows
After removing it, remember to log out again.Change the Unity 2D launcher icon size
The Unity 3D launcher icon size can
easily be changed through System Settings (under Appearance), but that's
not available for Unity 2D. But there is a way to change the Unity 2D
launcher icon size: through a script.
To change the Unity 2D icon size, run the following commands in a terminal:
wget http://webupd8.googlecode.com/files/script.py
chmod +x script.py
sudo ./script.py SIZE
In the last command above, replace "SIZE" with the desired size for the launcher icons, for example "32" (don't use any quotes). Then log out and log back in to Unity 2D.
Credits for the script: ppd @ Ubuntuforums.org
Get minimize on click for the Unity launcher
The Ubuntu developers have rejected a
patch that adds minimize on click for the Unity launcher, but a patched
Unity is available in a PPA so you can get applications to minimize when
clicking on their icon in the launcher with a few simple commands.
Before proceeding, please
note that this only works for Ubuntu 11.10 for now. The PPA will be
updated for Ubuntu 12.04 in the coming hours or days!
Add the PPA and get Unity (3D only) with minimize on click patch using the following commands:
sudo add-apt-repository ppa:ojno/unity-minimize-on-click
sudo apt-get update
sudo apt-get upgrade
If later on you want to go back to the default Unity from the official Ubuntu 12.04 repositories, use PPA Purge, like this:
sudo apt-get install ppa-purge
sudo ppa-purge ppa:ojno/unity-minimize-on-click
More info and a video, here: Unity With Minimize On Click Patch (Unofficial) Available In A PPA For Ubuntu Users.
Install lenses
Quite a few Unity lenses have been created in the last few months. The lens I find most useful is called Recoll Lens which lets you use Recoll, a full text search tool, from Dash, without having to open any additional GUI.
The lens comes with a few filters like Text, Spreadsheet, Presentation, Media or Message, but for more advanced searches, you'll have to manually enter the Recoll search query. Examples: author:"john doe", metallica OR megadeth, /2007 (all documents from 2007 or older), dir:/path/to/dir (filters content from /path/to/dir directory) and more.
To install Unity Recoll Lens, use the following commands:
sudo add-apt-repository ppa:recoll-backports/recoll-1.15-on
sudo apt-get update
sudo apt-get install recoll-lens recoll
Once installed, log out and log back in.
More info about Unity Recoll Lens.
Another lens that I find really useful is the Utilities Lens which comes with two scopes: Cities and Calculator.
The cities scope lets you quickly see the time, weather and wind
conditions in a city you search for in Dash and, as expected, the
calculator scope lets you quickly perform mathematic operations:
To install the Utilities Lens along with Cities and Calculator scopes, use the commands below:
sudo add-apt-repository ppa:scopes-packagers/ppa
sudo apt-get update
sudo apt-get install unity-lens-utilities unity-scope-calculator unity-scope-cities
Once installed, log out and log back in.
These are just the lenses I find most
useful, but there are many others, like torrent search lens, Grooveshark
or Spotify lens (available in the same PPA as the Cities and Calculator
scopes) and more. See here for more lenses and also search for new lenses and scopes in the Ubuntu Software Center.
Install extra appindicators
AppIndicators are applications that come with an indicator displayed on the top Unity panel (or on the Classic GNOME panel).
Weather Indicator
displays the weather on the panel, from one or multiple locations around
the world. You can configure it to display notifications and more.
To install Weather Indicator, search for it in Ubuntu Software Center or use the command below:
sudo apt-get install indicator-weather
Alternative: My Weather Indicator.
If you use Ubuntu One, you'll find Ubuntu One Indicator very
useful as it displays the sync status including the upload speed,
recently published files for which you can copy the public links,
disconnect Ubuntu One and more:
To install Ubuntu One indicator, use the commands below:
sudo add-apt-repository ppa:rye/ubuntuone-extras
sudo apt-get update
sudo apt-get install indicator-ubuntuone
Another feature that users who have
upgraded from Ubuntu 10.04 might be missing in Ubuntu 12.04 is a system
monitor panel applet. The Unity panel doesn't support applets, but you
can use an indicator for this. System Load Indicator displays CPU, Memory, Network, Swap, Disk io and system load on the panel, just like the old system monitor applet:
Install System Load Indicator in Ubuntu 12.04 LTS using the commands below:
sudo add-apt-repository ppa:indicator-multiload/stable-daily
sudo apt-get update
sudo apt-get install indicator-multiload
Get longer battery life with Jupiter
Jupiter is an appindicator (it now
uses Python instead of Mono) designed to improve laptops / netbooks
battery life. It can be used to switch between maximum, high performance
and power saving modes, change the screen resolution and orientation,
enable or disable bluetooth, touchpad, WiFi (if available) and so on. If
you own an Asus EeePC netbook, there's also a separate package that
adds support for Asus Super Hybrid Engine (SHE) as well as some other
EeePC tweaks.
Install Jupiter using the following commands:
sudo add-apt-repository ppa:webupd8team/jupiter
sudo apt-get update
sudo apt-get install jupiter
If you're upgrading from Ubuntu 10.04
LTS and you miss the old behaviour of integrating Google Calendar with
the calendar applet through Evolution, you can use an alternative: Calendar Indicator,
a tool to display your Google Calendar events on the Ubuntu / Unity
panel. Install it in Ubuntu 12.04 Precise Pangolin using the commands
sudo add-apt-repository ppa:atareao/atareao
sudo apt-get update
sudo apt-get install calendar-indicator
Thunderbird is now the default email client so if you want to synchronize Google Calendar with Thunderbird, see: How To Synchronize Google Calendar With Thunderbird.
Privacy: prevent some files, directories or applications activity from showing up in Dash
Zeitgeist displays your most used and
recently used files and applications in Dash, which is something many of
you might not want. But starting with Ubuntu 12.04, Activity Log
Manager has been integrated into System Settings so you can blacklist
certain file types, folders or applications from showing up in Dash. You
can also use it to clear the Zeitgeist history for a period of time or
To access Activity Log Manager, open
System Settings and click on "Privacy". On the "Recent items" tab you
can clear the Zeitgeist history or disable it completely. For more
control, check out the other tabs: on the Files tab, you can blacklist
some directories or file types and on the Applications tab you can
blacklist some applications that you don't want to show up in Dash.
Get a global menu (appmenu) for LibreOffice
Just like in the previous releases,
LibreOffice doesn't use a global menu by default in Ubuntu 12.04 Precise
Pangolin, but you can get it to make use of the global menu by
installing the "lo-menubar" package:
sudo apt-get install lo-menubar
Create your own quicklists
Quicklists are menu items that show up when right clicking an icon from the Unity launcher. In Ubuntu 12.04, many applications now have quicklists but there are of course some without this useful addition so if you want, you can create your own quicklists, easily, using either Ubuntu Tweak or MyUnity.
To install the latet Ubuntu Tweak 0.7.0 which lets you edit quicklists, use the commands below:
sudo add-apt-repository ppa:tualatrix/ppa
sudo apt-get update
sudo apt-get install ubuntu-tweak
Or, use MyUnity instead:
sudo apt-get install myunity
After you've installed either MyUnity or Ubuntu Tweak, pin an application to the launcher and you can edit its quicklists like this:
- in Ubuntu Tweak, under Admins > Quicklists Editor
- in MyUnity, click on the "launcher" tab, and right under the launcher text there should be a link called "quicklists".
General tweaks (for any "shell")
Get hibernate back
Hibernate has been disabled by default
in Ubuntu 12.04. You can use 'suspend' instead, but if you want
hibernate back, there is a way to do it.
But firstly, what's the
difference between hibernate and suspend? When using suspend, the
computer disconnects everything everything except for RAM so it's still
using a bit of power. Hibernate on the other hand saves everything to
the hard disk, so the computer doesn't need any power, which is
important for laptops and netbooks.
Before enabling hibernate, test
to see if your computer supports it. To do this, open a terminal and
copy/paste the following command:
sudo pm-hibernate
Your computer should switch off - turn
it back on and all the applications you had open should reopen if
hibernate works for your computer.
If the above test worked, you can enable hibernate in the Ubuntu power menu by running the following command in a terminal:
gksu gedit /etc/polkit-1/localauthority/50-local.d/com.ubuntu.enable-hibernate.pkla
And in the newly opened file, add the following:
[Re-enable hibernate by default]
Then save the file.
After logging out and logging back in, "Hibernate" should show up in the power menu.
How to get a working screensaver in Ubuntu
Just like the previous Ubuntu release, the latest Ubuntu 12.04 doesn't have a screensaver by default and it uses a blank screen instead (this is actually an upstream GNOME decision). But if you really want a screensaver, you can use Xscreensaver, like we wrote about in the things to fix / tweak post for Ubuntu 11.10:
sudo apt-get remove gnome-screensaver
sudo apt-get install xscreensaver xscreensaver-gl-extra xscreensaver-data-extra
Then search for "Screensaver" in the menu and tweak its settings to your needs.To add Xscreensaver to startup, open Startup Applications and add "xscreensaver -nosplash".
To get CTRL + ALT + L to lock the screen and start the screensaver, go to System Settings > Keyboard
and on the "Shortcuts" tab, under "System", change the "Lock screen"
keyboard shortcut from CTRL + ALT + L to something else, then under
"Custom Shortcuts", click the "+" button to add a new custom shortcut,
under "Name" enter "Xscreensaver" and under "Command" enter
"/usr/bin/xscreensaver-command", then click "Apply".
And finally, click next to the newly
created shortcut and press CTRL + ALT + L to assign it to it (or use any
other keyboard shortcut you want, but make sure it's not already assign
to something else). Alternatively, you can run the following command
instead of assigning a new keyboard shortcut for the old screensaver:
sudo ln -s /usr/bin/xscreensaver-command /usr/bin/gnome-screensaver-command
To revert the changes (go back to the black GNOME Screensaver screen), use the commands below:
sudo apt-get remove xscreensaver xscreensaver-gl-extra xscreensaver-data-extra
sudo rm /usr/bin/gnome-screensaver-command
sudo apt-get install gnome-screensaver
If you've used the alternative method to assign CTRL + ALT + L to Xscreensaver lock screen, open System Settings > Keyboard again, remove the custom Xscreensaver command and assign CTRL + ALT + L back to "Lock screen" (under "System").
To get Xscreensaver not to start
automatically when watching a movie, I recommend using Caffeine, a small
indicator applet which you can install using the commands below:
sudo add-apt-repository ppa:caffeine-developers/ppa
sudo apt-get update
sudo apt-get install caffeine python-glade2
Make all autostart items show up in Startup Applications dialog
Some autostart items don't show up in the Startup Applications dialog. To get all of them to show up, use the following command:
sudo sed -i 's/NoDisplay=true/NoDisplay=false/g' /etc/xdg/autostart/*.desktop
Install Oracle Java 7
For most stuff, OpenJDK/JRE is enough (and you can install it using Ubuntu Software Center), but in case you really need Oracle (previously Sun) Java 7, you can install it (this will install JDK/JRE and the browser plugin) in Ubuntu using the WebUpd8 Java PPA:
sudo add-apt-repository ppa:webupd8team/java
sudo apt-get update
sudo apt-get install oracle-java7-installer
In case the installation doesn't work (it sometimes fails when behind a proxy), you can try to manually install Oracle Java 7.
Get Synaptic and Gdebi back
Users upgrading from Ubuntu 10.04 LTS
to 12.04 LTS will probably find it a bit awkward at first to see that
Ubuntu Software Center is now used to install deb files by default and
not Gdebi. But if you can't get used to using Ubuntu Software Center for
this, you can easily get Gdebi back and set it default for installing
deb files. Install Gdebi using the following command:
sudo apt-get install gdebi
If you want to make Gdebi default,
right click a .deb file, select "Properties", go to the "Open With" tab
and select "GDebi Package Installer" instead of "Ubuntu Software
Center". Click "Close" and double click the .deb file - it should now
open with GDebi and not Ubuntu Software Center.
Synaptic has also been removed a while back so if you want to install it, simply copy/paste the following command in a terminal:
sudo apt-get install synaptic
Automatically enable working PPAs from previous Ubuntu releases
When you upgrade to a new Ubuntu version, all the PPAs are disabled.
The "Re-enable working PPAs feature checks if the old PPAs have been
updated to work with your current Ubuntu version and if they do work, it
re-enables them.
If you've just upgraded from
Ubuntu 11.10 or 10.04 and want to re-enable the PPAs that work with
Ubuntu 12.04, you can use Y PPA Manager to do this automatically. Make
sure your Internet connection is working, then in Y PPA Manager select Advanced > Re-enable working PPAs after Ubuntu upgrade" and all the PPAs that have packages for Ubuntu 12.04 will be enabled automatically, leaving the others disabled.
If you want to do a clean Ubuntu
12.04 install, you can make a backup for the PPAs you had on your
previous Ubuntu installation using Y PPA Manager, then restore the
backup using Y PPA Manager on Ubuntu 12.04 and update the release name
in those PPAs that work with Ubuntu 12.04 (so if a PPA has packages for
Ubuntu 12.04, it will be updated to use "precise" in the .list file
instead of the previous version). To do this, in Y PPA Manager select
Advanced > Update release name in working PPAs.
Before any of the above tasks, make sure you make a backup using Y PPA Manager or manually.
To install Y PPA Manager in Ubuntu 12.04 LTS Precise Pangolin, use the commands below:
sudo add-apt-repository ppa:webupd8team/y-ppa-manager
sudo apt-get update
sudo apt-get install y-ppa-manager
And a small extra tip: If you try to install Dropbox and you get this error:
Error: Dependency is not satisfiable: libnautilus-extension1 (>= 1:2.22.2)
because you're trying to install the Dropbox .deb downloaded from the
official Dropbox website, and it currently can't be installed in Ubuntu
12.04. But you can simply install Dropbox by searching for it in Ubuntu
Software Center / Synaptic - that package should install without any
Unity alternatives
If you don't like Unity (either the
default Unity which uses Compiz or Unity 2D), you have many alternatives
available, while continuing to use GNOME. I will only talk about
official alternatives which are available in the Ubuntu repositories,
but in case you don't like them, there's also Cinnamon, a GNOME Shell fork that uses a GNOME2-like layout and Mate, or you can use a different Ubuntu flavor like Xubuntu, Lubuntu or Kubuntu.
Classic GNOME session - looks almost the same as GNOME 2
If you prefer the old GNOME 2 layout,
you can install the classic (also known as fallback) GNOME session in
Ubuntu 12.04 - you'll get almost the same look as in GNOME 2: Ubuntu
AppIndicators and the default indicators (Messaging Menu, Sound Menu and
so on), Compiz and panel applets.
The theme needs some fixes (the
panel has a few visual glitches) for the classic GNOME session and they
will probably come with a later Ubuntu 12.04 update. Here's how the
Classic GNOME session looks like in Ubuntu 12.04:
To install the Classic GNOME Session, use the following command in a terminal:
sudo apt-get install gnome-session-fallback
Once installed, log out and select "GNOME Classic" from the login screen:
Note: to be able to access the GNOME
panel settings or add applets, you need to hold the ALT key and right
click the panel instead of simply right clicking it, as it used to be in
The latest GNOME Shell 3.4.1 is
available in the official Ubuntu 12.04 LTS Precise Pangolin
repositories, even though it was initially announced that the latest
version won't make it into Precise. So to install it, simply search for
GNOME Shell in Ubuntu Software Center or use the following command:
sudo apt-get install gnome-shell
And then select "GNOME" from the login screen.
GNOME Shell has a tweaking tool so if
you want to change some of its configuration options or the theme,
install GNOME Tweak Tool:
sudo apt-get install gnome-tweak-tool
To be able to change the GNOME Shell
theme (not GTK/window theme), you'll also need the GNOME Shell User
Theme extension. You can install it, along with all the official GNOME
Shell extensions by using the WebUpd8 GNOME 3 PPA:
sudo add-apt-repository ppa:webupd8team/gnome3
sudo apt-get update
sudo apt-get install gnome-shell-extensions
Then restart GNOME Shell (ALT + F2 and enter "r" or log out and log back in) and use GNOME Tweak Tool to activate the extensions you want to use.
These aren't the only GNOME Shell
extensions available in the WebUpd8 GNOME 3 PPA - many other unofficial
extensions can be installed easily through our PPA. See the following
posts for details:
- Official GNOME Shell Extensions, Weather, System Monitor, MediaPlayer And GPaste Available For GNOME Shell 3.4 [PPA - Ubuntu 12.04]
- GNOME Shell Classic Systray, Message Notifier And Notesearch, Updated For GNOME Shell 3.4 (Ubuntu 12.04)
And of course, there's also the GNOME Shell extensions website which offers a huge list of extensions that you can install with a click. Note: you need to use GNOME Shell to be able to see the available extensions and install them.
This post is still work in progress
and more tweaks and tips will be added later on, so make sure you keep
an eye on it. Oh, and if you have a suggestion for something that you
think should belong here, lets us know in the comments!
You might also like:
- gThumb 3.0.0 Released With GTK3 Support, Ubuntu PPA Available [Image Organizer]
- Ubuntu Tweak 0.7: App And Source Center Are Back, More Ubuntu 12.04 Tweaks
- How To Load App Tabs On Demand In Firefox 12+
- Test Ubuntu Tweak 0.6, Now With Unity Settings, Theme Changer And More
- How To Manually Add Emblems In Nautilus 3
Source: http://www.webupd8.org/2012/04/things-to-tweak-after-installing-ubuntu.html
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